NarrActive creation

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Based on improvisation techniques from the commedia dell’arte, the choir according to Jacques Lecoq, the wild stage of Serge Noyelle, and years of study and observation with an allophone audience, the creation of NarrActive aims to accompany with a simple methodology one (s) individual (s) towards the writing of a complex narration and the creation of a story in which he (s) she (s) will be able to project their own problematic. Whether they speak a common language or not, whether they are literate or not, whether they think they are creative or not.


This method was developed by Boris Dymny with Roma audiences across Europe, migrant audiences, with young people under judicial protection, with isolated elderly people. Even if these audiences are very different, the universality of this method allowed them to express themselves, to (re) gain confidence in their own capacities, to take a look at the world and to use it by an artistic media. At the crossroads of the Théâtre de l’Opprimé, the Commedia dell’Arte and Contemporary Creation, Création NarrActive is based on stage writing, physical and emotional story writing. Because if the emotion goes beyond language, the gesture can go beyond words.